Saturday, April 15, 2006

Maoist violence threat to India too, says Swami


Former Major General of the Indian Army, Biswas Kumar Jogelkar warned that if the institution of Monarchy in Nepal became weak, it would also have negative impact also in India.

Central Minister of the World Hindu Federation (WHF) Dr. Suresh Kumar Jain said that Hindus of India and Nepal should lend support to the King of Nepal.

Provincial President of the WHF Om Prakash Singhal said that the attempts made by the political parties and the Maoists to isolate the King of Nepal would not be tolerated. He said that they would not lag behind in calling upon all the Hindus to extend whatever assistance is required for the Nepalese monarch



Anonymous said...

I am there to support you and to match voice with voice with you.

Viva Nepal, Viva HM King Gyanendra!

Anonymous said...


No post off you lately. Keep writing.

We have broken the backs of SPAM, now we just need to break their will.
